YAKKED - traduction vers arabe
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YAKKED - traduction vers arabe



أُطْرُوفَة ; دُعَابَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مَزْحَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر

ثور التبيت      

yak (N)

Exemples de prononciation pour YAKKED
1. the story that I've just yakked on about in five minutes,
Barney Swan _ Skiing to The South Pole on Renewable Energy _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour YAKKED
1. The second, an analysis of 63 studies of gender differences in talkativeness, found that men actually yakked slightly more than women, especially when interacting with spouses or strangers, and when the topic of conversation was non–personal.